Saturday, January 7, 2012

Newt is pissing me off!

Newt should not alienate blacks when he talks about work ethic and the poor. His lack of clarity and focus on the real problem with youth not being able to work makes me mad. Many times it is the lack of businesses in urban residential areas that create an absence of work, not the lack of role models.

There are educated and rich people who do not have a work ethic whether they have role models or not. I have encountered lazy ass lawyers who fail at due diligence when it comes to their clients because a plea deal is the easy way out or lazy ass doctors who misdiagnosis patients because they don't want to do more than their 15 minute office visit.  Or the teacher who won't work the student who is 'difficult'.  There are plenty of people with poor work ethics and I suggest that we concentrate on establishing integrity and values back into America's working class structure and for Newt to stop taking the EASY way out with smart ass comments about children who cannot defend themselves, much less attempt to quantify a work ethic by replacing the school janitor.

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