Saturday, January 7, 2012

Why aren't the candidates asked the right questions?

This election is about the economy, yet I have not heard any of the debates nor the news media focus any attention on the US Department of Labor and its related program outcomes- such as Workforce Investment Act in this critical time. Or focusing any questions to the candidates on US Health & Human Services' program outcomes for welfare to work programs and the social non profits that were given ARRA funding to train folks and the youth--that gave no outcomes. All of these programs have failed to create jobs. The debates and Sunday news questions could get to the heart of the candidates by asking more specific questions on the economy and related government entities AND outcomes.  Specifically on those govt agencies mentioned above. Plus, highlight the US Small Business Administration's ability to create more small businesses/sole proprietorships and what industries would be suitable for global positioning. These areas directly address the economy and job creation. Why are journalist focusing on planned parenthood, gay marriage and the like instead of what people want addressed?

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